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Trimble Business Centre's (TBC) field-to-finish survey software helps surveyors deliver high-accuracy GNSS data, create CAD deliverables, and leverage full data traceability throughout a project's lifecycle. However, a large number of users do not know how to fully utilise TBC’s powerful tools to perform other surveying task except processing GNSS data. This course aims to provide trainees with the skills and knowledge to fully make use of TBC’s functionalities to achieve results.


Course Detail:

  1. Using TBC for processing of topographical features - Using CAD blocks as symbols, GIS integration with attributes and export to shape files, Using attributes to scale and rotate symbols & Dynamic scale change

  2. Using TBC as a simple CAD replacement software - Common CAD drafting functions as what AutoCAD can do, COGO functions, Labelling of common features like bearing and distance, coordinates etc, Dynamic updates of labels as feature changes, Coordinates extraction for setting out (creating a csv file for upload to total station – this is precomp)

  3. Using TBC for processing of traverses - Computing miscloses for traverse loops, Adjustment using Bowditch and Least Squares, Helmert’s Transformation in TBC and Manual entry of traverse observations in TBC Total Station Editor

  4. Using TBC for pointclouds - Importing pointclouds from non-Trimble scanners (las, laz, e57 etc), Cloud based registration, Pointcloud classification, Using “Smart pick” function for feature extractions, Semi-automated feature extraction routines for trees, posts and signs, Ortho-photo creation and export to CAD and Surface creation and volumetric from pointcloud


Course Fee: SGD$300 (exclude  GST)

Target Audience: This course suitable for all personnel whose interested with Trimble Business Centre Software in their trade or occupation.

Course Duration: Two full day (9am to 5pm)

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