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RIEGL Airborne Laser Scanners with full waveform capability digitize the waveform of the echo signal for every emitted laser pulse.


RiANALYZE applies the so-called Full Waveform Analysis to the digitized echo signals provided by the laser scanner and additionally transforms the geometry data (i.e., range and scan angle) into Cartesian coordinates. Thus RiANALYZE converts the digitized echo signal data to data compatible with conventional airborne laser data processing packages for further processing.


The output is a point cloud in the well-defined Scanner's Own Coordinate System (SOCS) with additional descriptors for every point, e.g., a precise time stamp, the echo signal intensity, the echo pulse width, a classification according to first, second, up to last target.



  • Target detection and target parameter estimation of digitized echo signals of RIEGL Airborne Laser Scanners with full waveform capability
  • Extraction of an unlimited number of targets per emitted laser pulse
  • Coordinate transformation into the well-defined Scanner’s Own 3D Coordinate System
  • Provides various data output formats for a variety of post-processing software packages


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